Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Profit and Revenue

Humans have wants, but many fail to remember the costs involved in achieving them. It is worse when people envy the achievement of others without thinking about the pains they had gone through to obtain their achievements. I likened this to the idea of revenue and profits. Constantly, I see people wanting to maximise a certain form of revenue, such as obtaining that degree, the coveted job, that striking girl, without fully considering the costs involved. Totally, everyone is ignoring the idea of profit margins. Yes, we can maximise revenues, but people seem to not realise that this can be done at such a high costs that it will render the 'project' useless! 

In short, I believe to achieve a more peaceful life, people should not overly focus on their wants (revenue), but on the costs involved in achieving them (profits). In Singapore, we constantly strive to be the best in everything. My take is that some times, its not too bad to come in second, aka winner's curse!

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